Joy by Kristi Ekern


Joy, is from a hike during the pandemic.  I kept finding sticks that combined together into messages of hope during the hopeless time.  It was like a message from nature, that everything would be OK. 

8 ‘ x 10”

I believe in the healing power of nature.  Time spent in nature has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, reduce stress levels and improve mood.  During the isolation of the pandemic our family spent many hours exploring the mountains of our area.  The time we spent in nature helped us fight the anxiety ridden times.  As an educator, I am very involved with teaching the children from a young age how to recognize and cope with their feelings and moods.  All levels, pre-k and up, have increased our work in this important endeavor, helping kids of all ages in their emotional/mental wellness and well-being. My work with the children along with my many ventures into nature all play a part in my work as an artist. 

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